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Help with love life!
Okay… There’s this guy that I really like in my bus. I’ve talk to him once or twice in the bus ONLY. He’s elder than me 4 years. I can’t find topics to talk with him anymore! I can’t ask all sort of questions like, what is your hobby and everything. It’ll make him think I’m sort of a busy-body.
Please, please, please!!! Help me!!!
sorry but mandyloo might be right. I mean thats a big difference, but I think thta if you still want to hang out with him or what ever you should just try to talk to him a little bit more then you have. try to find stuff that you do have in common. like what subjects in school do you like? or what sports do you like? or clubs that your in that he might be in. or just things that you both like and do. if you can find that commonground then it might be easier to talk to him.
That may be the first sign that he is too old for you. You are 4 years apart and there is a huge gap in life experience, expierence, maturity, and social levels. It’s going to be hard to find some common ground between the two of you.
that try to meet him somewhere els than the bus like the mall than you could say What a suprise to see you here ! what are you shopping for ? tell him you need something in that shop to and if he would like to go with you together !
to michelle123 ::: I can’t possible meet him in mall when I dunno when he’ll be going to there.
to mandyloo ::: Lol, I know~ I’m in form 1 and he’s in form 5~ Erm, a bit notes, I in malaysia so its a bit different. form 1 is age 13 and form 5 is age 17~
to americaneagle77 ::: I already use those topics yet I can’t seems to find anymore~
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