How do I get over my boyfriend?

how do I get over my boyfreind? he went out with his friends tonight and is with another girl.. and is trying to tell me where I can and cant go. or who I can go with.. and its really hard for me to just forget about him because we have been together for 2 years. and he keeps doing me wrong and saying he will change.. whats the besst way I can get over him? because I keep going back to him when he feeds me his bull crap.. and I really do care for him a lot!! he just obviously dont feel the same

Answer #1

Tell him that you aren’t going to do what he tells you to do when he’s out with some other girl- if he can tell you who you can and can’t hang out with, then he has to grant you the same respect. I agree with ember- make a “_ box” with all of the stuff that remind you of him, just so that its not around reminding you of why you stayed with him for so long, etc. Tell him that he proves to you that things actually WILL change, you’ll think about getting back together with him, but until then, its over. And don’t get your hopes up about anything, and don’t wait around for him. Hang out with your friends a lot and talk to new guys, which I know can be weird after dating someone for so long. But you just have to put yourself out there and hope for the best. Good luck! :D

Answer #2

Well with personal experience I can tell you that nobody ever gets over their previous relationships and sense you guyz have been going out for two years its even harder but the best advice I could give you would be to talk with him about it. Tell him that you dont appreciate him taking control over your life and telling you who you can see est…and you never know he might feel the same way about you that you do for him and it might create something between you two. But if I were in your shoes I would hang out with friends more and put all of the stuff he gave you or that reminds you of him in a box and put it away. Dont erase him from your memory but put him to the side. you have to let him know that your not head over heels for him anymore or he might still keep control!^^

Answer #3

You obviously need to get out there and meet some new boys! Go out with your girlfriends and pick up a few boys. If he can go with another girl then you can go with another guy. He can’t control your life. He can only do it if you let him!

Answer #4

contain your self again

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