I have an Internet stalker, what do I do?

basically. I have a internet stalker . I delete him off msn and myspace all the time but he always finds away to find me I’ve deleted hotmail acounts and myspaces, but he won’t stop. I was thinking about hacking. but thats alegal. please help me, I don’t know what to do :(


Answer #1

I also have an internet stalker from russian of all places,he has been stalking me for almost 3 years,the best thing you can do is ignore him all together.

stalkers have serious mental issues,they say that if you do not nor have ever met our stalker (which is in my case) the more mentally disturbed they are.

DO NOT talk to them even to tell them your not interested they will never get it and keep making excuses to themselves for your answer,ignore them alltogether dont write any open blogs about “my stalker” or on msn “leave me alone” ect ect thats fuel for the fire trust me! and save all chat logs he seds you copy and paste everything from him you can put it in a draft and your email print it out and take it to the police station and make a report for your own safety,dont call 911 they wont help you.

Answer #2

…the key word here is “Internet.” Unless he personally knows you, you can always ignore him or block him. There’s no need to hack into anything, let alone dial 911.

Answer #3

Pick up your phone press 9-1-1 and tell them what you just told us this could be a very serious issue that may blow up if not ended to. you need to report him.

Answer #4

Until your ‘stalker’ crosses legal boundaries–it’s probably something you’ll have to work around, even though it may be very annoying. I do not recommend hacking anything, at any time, and if you have a problem contact your Internet Service Provider or your eMail service provider for tips. -S

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