Help my toenail's gone!

Ok so my toe nail had been damaged and I was stupid enough to pick at it and ended up pulling it off I did some research and I think I removed the nail plate and a tiny part of the nail bed. It bled a little but stopped I washed it with water and put a bandaid over it. It doesnt hurt now. I went on webmd but I couldnt understand what I need to do and exactly what I did to my nail. My mom doesnt know what happened. Will my nail grow back? Is this serious? Please help im scared.

Answer #1

Yeah when I was in my sana before it was finished there was a log standing up and I pumped it and it fell on my toes two of them turned balck and blue. And a couple days lader I was in the bath and it fell off. And then in with a couple weeks it grew back.

Answer #2

Yes it will grow back, when I was younger around 8 I trapped my nail in a metal door ,after the door had been slammed on my fingers the nail went blacky/blue colour after a week it dropped off, mine grew back within like 1-2weeks…Disgustin right =|

Answer #3

Once My pinky toe nail was like half way off so I like clipped it off and It grew back in a day or 2 so I think your fine even if you pulled it off. It should grow back.

Answer #4

Yes it should grow back, I would maybe put a lil peroxide on it once in a while to keep infection out.

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