How do you tell someone that you love them?

How do you tell someone that you love them?

Answer #1

Well, you could tell them in person or write a letter… I don’t reccomend telling them on the phone though cause it is less personal! I think that when you tell someone that you love them, you should do it when it feels special and there are no interuptions! Don’t be too nervous, good luck!

Answer #2

I think in person is the best way…but try to feel them out first and make sure they are open to hearing it…even if they might not share the feeling. And a giving them a chocolate pie always helps…at least it does with me. Anybody gives me a chocolate pie and I am theirs!!! But seriously…If you can get some alone time with them start out by telling them that they are really fun to be with and that you really like them and see what they say…then take it from there.

Answer #3

whoz the name of your lover?

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