What do I do if I'm itchy down there?

I have an itchey fanni

Answer #1

sue - fanny my vagina is itchy not my butt!!!

Answer #2

Eat plain live yogurt - about 1 big spoonfull or more, twice a day for a few days. and also put some in your fanny 3 times a day for 1-2 days. Stop eating so much sugar , don’t put soap in your fanny, and wash your hands before you touch yourself- thats all you need to do, so dont panic.

Dont take antiibiotics for this because its totally unecessary, and they will just make your body in bad overall health.

You can read this if you want to know more about whats going on.


* What is candida?
* What are the symptoms?
* Which areas tend to be affected?
* What causes candida?
* Treatment

What is candida?

Candida is a yeast type of fungus, which can cause thrush. It is normally present in a healthy person but, when present in excess, can cause disease or reduced immunity.

What are the symptoms?

The fungus tends to cause a profuse vaginal discharge of a thick or curdy nature, with patches of white on the vulva or vagina. Symptoms include itching, soreness and discomfort and the appearance of a skin rash similar to eczema.

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Which areas tend to be affected?

Candida affects the moist areas of the body, such as the mouth, vagina, skin folds, groin and axilla.

The nails can also be affected. This is known as paronychia, (abscess or inflammation of the nail).

What causes candida?

The appearance of symptoms is associated with a number of factors. These include ;

* Pregnancy
* Diabetes mellitus, AIDS, herpes simplex
* Sugar intake
* Tight clothing
* Allergic reaction (to soap /perfume etc)
* Prescribed drugs, e.g. antibiotics, corticosteroids, female sex hormones

Candida commonly occurs after treatment with oral contraceptives or antibiotics since these drugs alter the normal bacterial balance in the body.

After antibiotics, 80% of women have evidence of candida whilst around one third of those will have symptoms.


It is important to keep the area dry and clean. Specific treatment is given by antifungal agents. Alternative management is by taking probiotics, such as lactobacillus acidophillus or bifido bacteria which are considered ‘friendly bacteria’. They can be found in ‘live’ yoghurt and products like cottage cheese, or in a supplement form.

Adopting a low-sugar diet can also help to prevent an overgrowth of candida in the gut.

Answer #3

Dear littlegirl, Never put anything in your vagina as suggested above. If there indeed is an infection it will spread this way. See your doctor if the itching continues. There can be several reasons for itching and they can be different for someone who is sexually active and someone who isn’t. Make sure you keep yourself very clean and after a shower dry yourself throughly. Again no creams or lotions or perfume sprays until you know why it is so itchy. Scented panty liners and silk panties can make you itch so make sure you use cotton underware. There can be 100 different reason for it so seeing a doctor is a good idea. Sue…good luck

Answer #4

Dear littlegirl, What’s your question? Is your (cheek butts itchy) other areas? Sue…good luck

Answer #5

its most likely a yeast infection(very common), but to make sure, make an appointment with a gynocologist or your local planned parenthood.

Answer #6

Go and consult your doctor. I know it is embarrassing (and for Sue to answer) but s/he will have come across itchy subjects like so.

Answer #7

basically it might be thrush you should go to the doctors

Answer #8

I know this is embarrassing. You said Fanni. I guess you mean your butt. It depends where you’re itchy at to be what is wrong. And God I hope I don’t go into too much detail here, but I’ll try. If your butt is itchy- you might have pinworms. If your “other area” is itchy you need to tell your mom. You could have a yeast infection, or it could be something as easy as different soap or maybe you’re mom is trying a new washing detergent on your clothes.

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