Help me please>>>.

Well my parents are tying to stop me from seeing my boyfriend! And she wont let me use the phone to call him and she wont let me see him it pissing me off .. So now that I cant be with him, all the time hes always out partying and with his friends I have a feeling that he is keeping things from me and posibly cheating on me. I love him so much I dont wanna belive it but people keep telling me he is … So I have been ditching school and runing away lieing to my parents about where im goiing just so I can be with him but I think it is stupid that he will only stay home if I go see him I dont no what to do should I let him go and move on or stay wit him and hopes of it getting better? Help me please

Answer #1


Answer #2

well you didnt help me any reb1213 your comment was no help

Answer #3

If you loved him you wouldn’t start walking yourself down such a self-destructive path.

Answer #4

You’re only 16…look at your behavior. You’re missing school to see a guy your parents don’t want you seeing. If you can’t see the wrong in that then no one here is going to be able to explain it to you.

Stop worrying about boys and concentrate on school.

Answer #5

Definitely move on, sister! Maybe your mum is onto something not letting you see him. If he’s behaving like that get out while you can. Obviously you will go out of your way and risk trouble for him, but those skills and loyalites can be put to better use, or to a more deserving partner. From what you’ve said he’s not good enough.Don’t ignore the writing on the wall, so many of us waste so much life doing that. Good luck!

Answer #6

just move on, its not worth all that sneeking around. maybe one day when you have more freedom from your parents yall can give it another try

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