How are babies made

How Are babies made

Answer #1

aww this is so mean!!

I’m seriously going to answer this, even if its not serious.

When a man and woman have sex, meaning the man enters his penis into a womans vagina, after awhile, or not long at all (lmao you never know..), the man will ejaculate, meaning “white stuff” AKA sperm, will enter the womans vagina up to her ovaries. If this “woman” is of age, and has started her period, than she releases tiny things called “eggs”. The sperm from the mans penis that entered the vagina through sexual intercourse, connects with the egg and then a baby starts to grow, known as the Fetus. The fetus will grow in a womans womb for about 9 months. Then when the 9 months is up, The woman will give birth, meaning the once-growing egg that came from her ovaries/fallopian tubes will come out of her vagina, AND A BABY IS BORN (:

Hope I answered your question (:

Dont feel dumb cause you dont know this, people are just rude : D


Answer #2


You’re kidding right?

Answer #3

I will answer this the man inserts his peanis in the womans vagina and the man pushes sperm in the womans vagina. there that will lower your jaw won’t it. now please have a look at my question and answer it I need advice thx bye.

Answer #4

ok, confused lil girl. I’m not sure that was a necassary remark! if this person has come on here with a genuine question, it is unkind to mock!…


Answer #5

Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!       Welcome to Fun Advice!

  Getting pregnant: How babies are made

Answer #6

Awww did you never have this talk? OK when a mummy cat and a daddy cat luv each other very much…

Answer #7

omg… there are 2 bunnies— lol!!! k I am not the 1 to answer this. please help this person lol

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