How should I tell that I was raped when I was 8?

How should I tell that I was raped when I was 8?

Answer #1

First of all I want to make sure you are safe. Please go to a safe place if you can. A friend’s house, a relatives house or you may already be safe.

Find an adult you trust. I know it is very intimidating to tell someone about it, but it’s very very very important that you do. I sat my mom down in a corner of a coffee shop - so it was a public place but we had privacy.

None of this is your fault and congratulations for coming out about it. I know it’s very scary. You’re very courageous and brave.

If you don’t stop it - it will continue to happen.(and could happen to someone else.) The rape is more about the control than it is pedophilia or even the sex itself.

I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. I was raped and abuse from a young age till about age 19. I have a deposition in 2 days and court in a month. It is a very hard process but know that many many many people will support you. You actually only live about 20 mins from me.

I also encourage you to seek counseling services.

Here are some resources for you: (They have many offices and great services - My counseling is through them)

Sexual Tramua Hotlines 24/7: WOAR-(215)985-3333 WEAVE-866.920.2952 (Toll Free) 916.443.3715 (TDD) RAINN- 1.800.656.HOPE Rape Victim Advocates-1-888-293-2080

RAINN also has an online hotline, which is similar to a instant messenger. It will hook you up with a trained counselor to chat with.

If you’re on myspace there are some groups you can join -

Here is also a message board with many helpful women who will support you:’ve-bhsexabuse

And of course you can talk to me if you need to. Feel free to funmail me or send me a message on myspace.

hugs Sika aka Danielle

Answer #2

You could write someone a letter or email if it is too hard for you to tell someone. It could be anyone, friend, family member or teacher and I’m sure they would help you either get support or do whatever they can to help you. good luck!

Answer #3

I recommend that you message ‘sikashimmer’ she is really good about talking about that kind of thing and I know she would help you. Here is her URL, click “Send FunMail” and I’m sure she will reply.

Answer #4

so I was in a resent delema with my best freind sam and she was still beng mulsted so we told some one now she is glad we did . if I were you I would tell some one that you trush a lot and tell the atoritys

Answer #5

Dear jessa902, Yes, you need to tell. As you get older you will find that this will get in the way of having normal relationships; not with just guys but in general. Rape victims always must get counselling to help deal with this violation. Perhaps you find yourself getting angry a lot, or sad. You may find yourself pulling away from males and even people in general. You will not be able to put this behind you until you have counselling and until you are totally hones with your family. Sue…good luck

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