How will I know when she will have her puppies?

How will I know when she will have her puppies?

Answer #1

The gestation period is usually 58-63 days! When she gets ready to deliver, you will notice her becoming very uncomfortable, restless, nesting, etc. 24 Hours before she delivers, she will stop eating. Get a Digital Thermometer, and start taking her temperature, 3 times a day. Put a little vaseline on the tip of the thermometer, so it’s not so dry, when you insert the thermometer. Once her temperature drops to below 100 degrees, it’s usually in the 98 range, and it stays in that range, then she will be delivering in the next 12-24 hours. Make sure you have your veterinarians # ready, just in case you need help in assisting with the delivery, or she experiences complications, have her whelping area ready, and get the supplies you need ready. Good Luck! I hope everything goes smoothly!

Answer #2

62 days, give or take from the time shw was bred…


Answer #3

63 days from the first hookup. she can have early as 60 days and late as 65.

Answer #4

u will know by several ways the dog will not eat as much you will get very lazy now when there pregnant they love there stomack rubbed but after 4-5 weeks they wont wont there stomach rubbed because it hurts. when the the dog starts to hide a wonder around the house and going in places that she never paid any attention too she looking for a place to drop them. while she is pregant do allow to many guest over she will feel harmed who ever is the closest to her should comfort her more often good luck

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