Why don't guys find me pretty?

I need to no why guys dont find me pretty?

Answer #1

How do you know that guy’s don’t think you’re pretty, did some just come out and say, gee you’re digustingly ugly… Or are you making that assumption from lack of dateing or some other factor. because it may not be your prettyness, you may have a horrible personality. I’ve know a girl that is burning hot, but barely anyone dates them because they’re just horrible to know or even be around.

Answer #2

well… different guys think different girls are pretty, to some guys you could be hideous, sorry just meeting ends with reality, BUT. to others, you could be drop dead gorceous, you just havent found those others. goodluck! :]

Answer #3

well I need to see a picture of you to tell you y…every guy has different taste, so yea…

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