He left me to go see her, what should I do?

Ok so here the thing I relle like this guy and hes older then me like by a lot and im in love with him and we do all sorts of things with each other and then all of a sudden yesturday he said he was going to calgary and lunch and wouldnt see me untill monday then I texted him and asked him whyy he went there and he said to go see amie which is his ex girlfriend that he’s still in love with and my green monster relle is acting up and imthinking they might be havin sex and I relle dont want that ;’[ I love him to death and im kinda ssad he just blew me off like that to go see her and I havent seen him in like for ever and I dunno what to do I mean im almost crying right now.

Answer #1

Well then your pretty much blinded and if you can really see, you’d see an asshole. Just forget him and find someone that will love you. I found someone. Its been months and all we do is kiss. Trust me those guys are out there.

Answer #2

maybe you care more about him than he does for u.. first loves are hard to get over im sure amie means a lot to him just like he means a lot to u.

Answer #3

The longer you hang on this guy- the more its gonna hurt. I doubt he traveled to see this girl so they could ‘have coffee’. I’m sorry, but it doesnt seem like he even considered your feelings and he may just not be as into you as you are into him. He’s older and probably has more experience- this is your first love- always the hardest. But you will get over him and eventually find a good guy and you will think to yourself- omg I cant believe I fell for him!

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