how can you tell your parents that you want the pill??

how can you tell your parents that you want the pill?? I really need it, since I’ve been with my boyfriend for over a year, and we’ve done it once, but I was so scared of getting pregnenant that now I really need some reassurance. How can I ask my mom in the least awkward way possible? :S :S :S thanks!! xxx

Answer #1

haha yea ok, again, I didnt ask for that. & ‘’not to be offensive’’??? haha are you serious? lool

Answer #2

15-year-olds shouldn’t be doing it /at all/.

What, are you training to be a prostitute?

Not to be offensive, but it’s the truth.

No responsible parent would give their underage /child/ birth control.

Answer #3

jbearr, thanks so much. for everyones information, im 15, and yea I think its my decision aswell, I didnt ask for any oppinions on wheather I should be having sex or not, so dont even comment if youre not gonna answer my question. this is a site you asked for advice, not criticism, for all you out there who havnt gotten the idea :)

Answer #4

who cares if she’s fourteen; it’s her decision. I think you should start the conversation as a joke and move it to something like, “it might actually help me mom. now that I’ve thought about it; it may help me in a few ways.” just an opinion, good luck though.

Answer #5

Just come out and say it, ‘mom I need birth control’. That’ll open up doors for conversation, and possibly help them trust you more (which they shouldn’t- you’re 14 and already having sex, you can’t be trusted at all in my opinion). Or you could go about it in a backwards type of way and say something along the lines of, ‘Susie said that birth control has helped her regulate her periods and they take away her cramps. If I got on the pill I would feel better when it’s my time of the month. I also would like the fact that I could plan on when my period would get here. It’d make life so much easier…” elaborate on that. Really though? FOURTEEN? REALLY???

Answer #6

your 14??? well that says a lot.

Answer #7

well if your women enough to have sex you should be women enough to tell your mother

Answer #8


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