Has this ever happened to you? What was the outcome?

Hey ladies,

I need some input as this had never happened to me before Sunday. For any that might be annoyed, I am not one of those “oh my gosh can I be pregnant this month” types lol. But what really has me puzzled is the fact that my menstrual cycle started two weeks early! The consistency of the blood is not typical either. It is really thick and brown. Almost dry like?? The second day it turned dark red w/brown. To someone whose cycle is like clock work, I am puzzled. I searched the net for some info but could only find articles pertaining to women who were on the pill (which I am not). The thought of calling my doctor rose up, but I would hate to call for something if it is somewhat common to women. It has me puzzled because I am not currently exercising, no changes in my diet, and I am not stressed. Guess that leaves my hormones perhaps?? Have any of you ladies not on birth control had this experience? What was the outcome, if any? Your help is greatly appreciated!

Lot’s of love, Lilium

Answer #1

well I’ve had mine come 3 days early asd be brown kinda like dry too, so yeah it happend to me, but I don’t know how normal it is, it scared me though, it only happend once and usually my period starts the same say of the month, the wednesday the last week of my period, around 5 pm usually it starts, so talk about clock work.

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