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How can I ask my crush to Homecoming?
ok… I have had a crush on this guy for over three years… i have known him for ten years… but it’s like we’ve really drifted apart this last year… and I really like him, but we’re kinda total opposites, he’s more hardcore.. and I’m an actress/ dancer/ horseback rider… I really want to ask him to Homecoming 2007… how the hell do I do this?!!!!!!
ooo you got pwned on the second question. just ask him whats the worst thast could happen he says no. and if your scared that things will change between you then your wrong because im like best friends with my ex cause i started talking to her. you have to communicate. hope i helped
just like how anglefire said . we arent here to go to the boy u like and ask him out for u this isnt 4th grade cm on . rejection is rejection this cant be ur worst rejection u geting a job might be . if he says no think of all the other rejections and starting thinking this isnt the only 1
Well said juniperone….None of us here know if your crush likes you back. The only way your gonna know is to ASK! And we cant do that for you!!
You open your mouth and you say, “Woudl you like to go to homecoming this year?”
I don’t understand you kids with these questions “how do I ask this person out?” I think what you are really asking is “How do I find out if this person would go to the dance with me without having to come right out and ask him?”
Grow a pair and do it! Rejection is not the worst thing in the world.
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