Harassment from a boy at my school, what to do?

This boy in my school goes around grabbing girl a*s. Is that okey? Heel also making really rude comments asking girls do we masturbate and gross sexual question.

Answer #1

I 2nd the opinion of the poster obove! KICK’M where it HURTS! he is obviously a pathetic lowlife… and be sure to tell him that

Answer #2

No, unwelcome touching is never okay. You need to go talk to the principal about it, do it for yourself and do it for others that its affecting.

Answer #3

By no means is this permitted. You must tell somene, if this person is you, Can’t you talk to your mom? Can she? Moms may get mad about it, and act all crazy in front of you but when they have your interest at heart it will all be okay. She won’t “embarass” you, she is your mom. She is there (and always will be) to protect you. You must do what you would do if this was being done to a little sister, beuase you know,… it usually may be. Women stand up for women, we protect,… so please protect this person as he may think its okay and then try to go further.

Answer #4

Kick him in the nuts bet you he’ll stop

Answer #5

well this is not good! you shud like tel yer ma or close sis or bro it may be embarissin but you need to let someone!!!

Answer #6

No - that def. in not okay. You need to tell a teacher or parent about it and have them do something about it. =\

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