What would happen if you commited a sin then died before you asked for forgiveness?

Answer #1

If you believe in all that christianity junk - sins are forgiveable and the only ones that arent are blasphemy and sui.cide i believe. If your God is as loving and caring as people tend to believe you would think he would look past a few sins and see you were still a good person.

Answer #2

sigh….. a lot to say to this… funmail me if you want everyth8ing, but bascally if doesnt matter if you die right after you wont go to hell you willl still be forgiven if you have God in your heart and in your life.

Answer #3

Well, if you believed in Jesus then you are guaranteed to get into Heaven no matter what.

Answer #4

god can work in many ways. i beleve in forgiveness if you are truly sorry and want to be frogiven. your question can mostly be answered by you

Answer #5

No, that’s not true. Just because you believe in Jesus, doesn’t mean you can sin all you want, and get into heaven anyway.

Answer #6

Okay, I believe you have to repent before you die. If you die a sinner (if you died and didn’t ask God for forgiveness before dying), I don’t believe you go to heaven. I think you should talk to your pastor, because everyone on here has different views and opinions on this matter.

Answer #7

So, if you killed someone, then died yourself, you’ll go to Heaven anyway because you have God in your life?

Answer #8

a sin is a sin there is not a rating from 1-10, if you lie or kill someone its still a sin not one is bigger then the other… and yea if you kill someone and kill yourself you could be forgiven… you could ask before you die, if you read the Bible all this would be answered for you.. i cant tell you and make you understand.. but everyone has there own opinions yours is yours and i have mine…

Answer #9

I accidentally phrased the question wrong. I meant to ak was “what would happen if you died before you had the chance to ask for forgiveness for a sin”

Answer #10

Yes, you shouldn’t sin all you want. You need to have self disipline. But Jesus said “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.”

Answer #11

srry i forgot 2 add that is found in Matthew 14:6 :)

Answer #12

You would go to Hell

Answer #13

Basically, if you truly believe in the Lord and follow his ways, you’re not going to purposely sin.. :) I think you just worded it wrong lol

Answer #14

You would go to hell if it was a sin u knew was wrong

Answer #15

Bleh.. I just wrote a big paragraph but it didn’t submit it.. =/ but anyway, killing yourself is a sin.. you can’t repent for a sin BEFORE you commit it.. that’s silly. The person is basically saying ‘’I know what I’m about to do is a sin, but forgive me anyway.’’ I believe when you repent, it’s because you are truly sorry for what you did, you know it was wrong, you learned from your mistakes and you won’t do it again. (Or will try not to, anyway).. Yeah, you can kill someone, be truly sorry, repent, and then die some other way and go to heaven. But killing yourself is a different story. you can’t repent for something you are ABOUT to do.. :)

Answer #16

Killing yourself is an automatic hell-goer

Answer #17

no its not… & 1. we would never know this because we are all still alive… but i am 95% sure that because you kill yourself does not mean you are going to hell there are things going on that we may not know… example if you stab yourself it is slow and painful.. you ant gonna die right away so you may have time to ask for that forgiveness… we dont know for sure.. and we arnt suppose to know everything God does nor understand everything that God does….. plus, it is human nature to sin, but as i said all sin is on the same level it is not rated ok to really bad… it is looked at in one way so why would you go to hell for killing yourself thats the same as says that you lied about an algebra test but you die an hour, so since you didnt ask forgiveness you are going to hell? no, it doesnt work that way… but as i said before we all have our own opinions and beliefs… i believe that you will not go to hell after killing yourself you can believe what ever you want…. =)

Answer #18

that argument won’t get you out of a speeding ticket. watch this [link removed]

Answer #19

go to youtube and search for “seal beach witness” . watch that video for a better explanation.

Answer #20

There is a video that explains what I believe better than I can say on here. Go to youtube and search for “seal beach witness” without the quotation marks. Watch the top video in the search results. It’s safe to watch, I’m not a pervert trying to trick you into something else. Basically, our personal beliefs don’t create reality. God is God no matter what beliefs we put together in our imagination.

Answer #21

Romans 6:7 says “He who has died has been acquitted (or released) from his sin.” Then, Romans 6:23 goes on to explain further “The wages sin pays is death.” When we die, our sins are released from us and we are no longer held by them, because the wages that sin pays is death. So if you committed a sin and died before you could repent or fix it or ask for forgiveness, when you die, God will not hold that sin against you. You are acquitted of that sin.

There’s more to that, but it’s a lot to put here. If you want to know more, contact me. :3

Answer #22

Nothing will happen will because god isn’t real. “Nothing is true, everything is permitted.” Assassins Creed

Answer #23

haha ya i did…thanx for translating that out :)

Answer #24

not true… it says the wages of sin IS death meaning the consequence of sin is death but….

Christ died and paid teh consequence of sin so that we may gain eternal life through him. john 3:16

Also the death in Romans that he was talking about was death to sin.

1 What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? 2 By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? Romans 1:1

Answer #25

Death to Sin, yes. Sin that we inherited from Adam and Eve as well as sins that we commit in our life. Jesus did die for our sins so that we could gain eternal life through his sacrifice, but the wages that sin pays is still death. Or else, why would we continue to die? Jesus paid the consequence of sin, right? So death should have been completely eliminated from what you’ve just said.

Answer #26

if sin was simply repaid by death, then there would be no need for Jesus’ death. we continue to die because we have inherited teh consequences of sin.

remember the entire Bible needs to support ur statements. it tells us that: Daniel 12:2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. if sin was repaid by death then everyone would awake to everlasting life.

Answer #27

Uhmm MANDYLOO maybe you should not call our religion JUNK because its not. We dont call ur religion JUNK… So that was rude..

Answer #28

religion is dumb

Answer #29

religion is dumb

Answer #30

Umm im actually, im also a believer and i have to agree with moe214 and emily. Sui cide is a sin. It is said in the bible, its written there and its explained that God hates death therefore he sent his only begotten son to give eternal life to those who believes in his name. Thats what it says in the bible. But yes you are right, no sin are greater than others, all sins are equal in the eyes of God and He is the only one who can judge as He is the only one worthy and sinless to do so. Its also said that if you hated or hate someone, its like you’ve murd-ered in the eyes of God and in our eyes killing is much more worse than hatred but in the bible they are equivalent. However death, to bring it upon yourself is a sin, you’ve given into the devil and you have given your life to the devil by not living according to the word of God, as even Jesus even defeated death itself. If death wasn’t a sin then there would be no point for Jesus to sacrifice himself if God was only going to forgive every living soul, there was no point saving them if they just decide to end their life when they want. Read the bible for reference

Answer #31

Mandyloo stop trying to answer these questions if you are not Christian that is a heresy no sins are unforgivable and to a catholic if it’s mortal sin you go to hell or purgatory

Answer #32

then dont comment…

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