What is a hair toner and is it good for brassy hair after bleach?

Answer #1

Yes, toner is a chemical that is designed to help llighten hair…especially when trying to go blonde. When you end up with bronze or brassy hair..use a toner and it will help the color go to blonde.

Answer #2

Cause I just bleached my hair to do brown hair but it looks sorta brassy. Is their a brown toner? So it can look like a chocolate brown?

Answer #3

If your trying to go brown you dont need to go all the way blonde - you can dye brown over brassy colored hair with no problem, especially chocolate brown.

Answer #4

Yup yup yup :) Mandyloo is right! Toner is meant to eliminate brassy tones in hair. If you look at my picture(well the one of me blonde anyways) I use a violet based platinum toner by clairol. It’s basically like hair dye. You mix it with peroxide and treat it the same as dye. Infact, you could even get an ash based blonde dye and that would work like a toner too :D A quick tip though: If you’re trying to get rid of “orange-y” tones, get a blue based toner. If your trying to get rid of “yellow-y” tones, go with a violet based toner. Hope I’ve helped :)

Answer #5

Oh, well if ur doing brown, then just get a brown hair dye that doesnt have red as a base :) (ash brown, natural brown)

Answer #6

ooh cause my frnd uses a toner called expresso so I figured I would need one too.

Answer #7

Ohhhh okayy thanksss girlyy (:

Answer #8

Well thabks mandyloo :D

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