What's the latest hairstyle fashion?

what is the latest fashion in hai ?

Answer #1

but I also found out that it doesnt matter if you have the hair that is fashionable, besides, you always have to change it but having hair that suits you and looks gorgez on you is way more important some people look horrible in fringes while it suits others. you dont want whats in if it will look daggy X

Answer #2

I heard fringes wont be popz anymore specially side fringes and curls will be wanted more in next 2 years but it depends where you live x

Answer #3

Side fringes will always look good. Especially full / Side fringes. Like in the pic of me ii attached. All my mates have that. Straightend hair. Ohh and curly hair left down and then just your side fringe straightened. That is Veryyy popular.

Hope This Helped =)

Answer #4

Side fringes will always look good. Especially full / Side fringes. Like in the pic of me ii attached. All my mates have that. Straightend hair. Ohh and curly hair left down and then just your side fringe straightened. That is Veryyy popular.

Hope This Helped =)

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