How should I dye my hair?

I’ve dyed my hair black, purple, red, burgundy, and bown. Just recently I bleached my hair and it turned orange. Does anybody have any good ideas for how I should dye my hair? Help!!!

Answer #1

your hair turned orange because it got confused. lol. You need to FIRST get something called ColorFix, its about $14 from Sally Beauty Supply. If you don’t have one of those wherever you live, write me and I can tell you a site to get it at, or a different version. You need to strip it and remove all of the old dye deposits. If you do that (just don’t do step 3- it redeposits the hair dye, and btw- you’ll need 2 boxes looking at your length). once you do that, you can go blonde without all the orange. Looking all your pics, I think it looks good black, but I’d suggest black with thin red highlights. Just a thought. Or black with red underneath. Its almost halloween, take advantage of the whole dark hair think if it works. and yeah, hair dye is very addictive. I see you already know that too. lol. have fun

Answer #2

Coloring your hair does not ruin it, Ive been dyeing it for four years without any problems. It wasnt until I started bleaching my hair that it got thinner, so there for by coloring it I should be ok. Thank you though lol

Answer #3

omigosh the orange is beautiful!!! no seriously, i’ve always wanted my hair that colour! watch gotta do if ya still dont like it either… bleach it for the last time, look au natural and go brown… or black and keep it that way… I dunno it looks pretti funky and punky now!!! =]

Answer #4

I think u should try like Shakira’s hair, I think it will suit u…it just my opinion…and before doing that u should give time to ur hair so it become as first I mean what was in the first place ( ur real colour) then try that one because it’s not good u know colour over colour… and I hope u like my opinion… :)

Answer #5

I like the black and purple makes you look hot

Answer #6

your hair looks really cute it looks like one of my friends hair color

Answer #7

you should stop dying your hair… your killing it.

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