How to make your hair bumpy in shape?

Answer #1

What do you mean by bumpy? Are you talking aout crimped? The easies way to get crimped hair is with a crimping iron. If you dont own one or dont like using hot irons on your hair you can get the same effects by putting your hair into braided pig tails at night when your hair is slightly damp and sleeping with them in. Take them out in the morning and DONT brush. Seperate your hair with your fingers instead. Brushing will make it frizzy and give you a fro.

Answer #2

nope not crimpy.. bumpy is somewhat bump bottom shape like that of bunchy. Generally Rolling gives essential for bumpy shape but how can we have permanent bumpy shape

Answer #3

You mean like volume?

Answer #4

You could get a set. But it’s not permanent.

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