How do you guys feel about a New York school giving out free birth control pills and free condoms?

with out parent permission. i know my views on it and im just curious to see yours? i don’t want to start an argument so if you post please make it appropriate. This could be a good debate.

Answer #1

I think it’s absolutely great. I’m in high school and if I had my school giving that out you never know what situations kids can get into… And I think this will make the birth rate with teens go down :) Cuz it can be embarrassing going to your local pharmacy to buy that stuff. So good for those schools. They are using their heads!! xD

Answer #2

yeah the wrong ones -_-

Answer #3

ummm what parts of new york? i live in new york and the way that it works in my area and the areas that my friends go to school in is that a form is sent to the parents saying if they want sexual education/assistance provided or restricted from their child. if the parents do not want their kids to get birth control they have to send the form back through the mail or in person saying that they do not want it for the kid. if they do not contact back then yes the school can put the student in sex education classes and provide birth control with out having to tell the parents first.

i do not think kids should be having sex, everyone i know who said they had sex under age ALL regret it now that they are older. the situation here thought is different, if the parents did not know i would think that it is wrong but the parents are informed so it is up to how responsible they want to be

Answer #4

I personally can see the reason for it but I don’t agree with it either. More than half the teenagers in high school are not mature enough for sex and that in a way, encourages it. Well, perhaps not encourage per say but it makes it seem like something that “every” teen is having. If a child/teen were to be embarrassed to go to the pharmacy to get condoms or birth control, they are not mature enough for sex, sure with this program it allows these kids to get them, but it also encourages teens who are not mature enough to have sex. On top of that, many teens who do have the means to get birthcontrol or condoms do not use birth control properly.So all in all, I think, yes it will help prevent teenage pregnancies but I don’t think it’s the right way to go as most teens are just too immature for such a thing though I realize, more people are concerned with the pregnancy,

Answer #5

I think it’s a good thing. No matter what, teens are going to have sex. It’s important that they have the right tools to protect themselves so they don’t have kids.

Answer #6

LMFAOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Good one cherry xDDDDDD

Answer #7

lol well its true XP

Answer #8

Yes but if a kid say, gets a little drunk at a party and it gets hot and heavy wouldn’t it be better if he had a condom in his wallet then no condom? Then being intoxicated he may make a stupid decision that could alter his life and the girl’s.

Answer #9

he shouldnt have been drinking in the first place

Answer #10

Well we can’t help ourselves if peer pressured or just for fun :P

Answer #11

lol peer pressure is a very lame excuse Slashdown

Answer #12

Well, i see both sides of the argument. One could say that they are going to have sex anyways, and the other could say that its egging them on. The thing is, if they do have sex, its better theyre protected. But we dont want kids thinking “oh well since i got a condom today in class, i guess i can go surprise my boyfriend of 2 weeks” So really it could go both ways.

Answer #13

Peer pressure isn’t a lame excuse. It happens all the time. I’d rather have a condom on me than make a stupid mistake.

Answer #14

i herd it on the radio!

Answer #15

i agree with what the schools are doing! now that i think about it i just wouldent really want my tax dollars going towards but heres my counter argument to myself! if lets say the shcool spends a 1,000 dollars it could prevent a lot more money being spent out of our tax dollars.

Answer #16

Honestly I think more schools should do it! You can’t stop teens from having sex, they will do what they want! So why not protect them the best that you can?! Personally it makes sense to me to do it.

Answer #17

More schools should do it, maybe that way there’d be no “Teen Mom”.

Answer #18

I don’t think it’s encourging sex. Teenagers are going to have sex if they want, not because school “gives” them permission. I think it’s a great idea. Yeah, kids these days have sex was earlier than they should which I disagree with but can’t change, so at least they’ll be safe.

Answer #19

I think that’s a good idea! Conception should be made available to those who use it most. I mean, why make it difficult? We really don’t need the human population to increase.

Answer #20

they do that in UK schools and i think its a great idea, i know that people are too embarrased to go and buy them or go to the doctors and get them, so being able to get them in schools means that it promotes safe sex. And for the argument that having condoms leads to having sex is rubbish… they will have sex anyways..

Answer #21

I think that every teenager should have complete sex ed classes at age 11 - before they even start to think about having sex. Along with a complete all-out shocking summary of all the STDs in the world. And at least three or four lessons of that class should be repeated once a year, so they don’t forget.

And they should have full access to contraception and condoms at any point of time after that.

I don’t think it encourages kids to have sex early. Taboos encourage kids to try and do the forbidden stuff. But confront them with all the downsides and tell them “it’s your decision, but don’t say we didn’t warn you” and most kids will actually start to think.

Also, experience shows that areas with early sex education classes have the lowest rates of teen pregnancies.

Answer #22

The schools that have this program do give parents the opportunity to opt out. I’m sure there are those who oppose it because they don’t like anything that reduces the consequences for teen sex but I can’t imagine why anyone else would oppose it.

Answer #23

some religions do not agree with birth control in any way

Answer #24

radio did not give all the details

Answer #25

I agree kids today are going to do whatever they want to do abstinence only sex Ed was proven a fail. We need to educate our youth and make them realize that while abstinence is the only 100 percent effective version of birth control yes sex is out there and so is pregnancy and stds if u make the choice to have a sexual relationship here’s how u lessen the risk of getting pregnant or an std or both.

Answer #26

Well, the students prolly will engage more in sex, but maybe they won’t be as pregnant. I don’t care as long as they have proper sex Ed and teach the consequences of all that. The stupid ones’ll make their mistakes and ignore the preachin’ and amart ones’ll live more wisely I guess, but I dunno, maybe a bit put off? Giving out pills and condoms without proper ed’d be pretty low but I don’t know what their school’s are like.

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