Are guys intimidated by smart girls?

I ask my guy friend if he was intimidated by girls smarter than him and he said yes because its harder to take advantage of them. It wasn’t the greatest answer so whats your opinion?

Answer #1

Sometimes they are- I once dated a guy who would whine when I used “big words” he didn’t understand, rather than just asking what the word meant. Mind you, he really wasn’t the brightest crayon in the box…

I think it’s more important to be able to talk about things. Usually you find in any relationship, each partner has weaknesses that the other partner somewhat fills in the gaps. For example, I’m quite the home-body, and I’m more creative than academic, and my partner is quite the academic. We can often understand what the other is talking about, but if we don’t understand something, we’re not afraid to ask “what does that mean?” It’s more about finding the relationship mutually intellectually stimulating, rather than one person having all the answers.

Answer #2

Dear Over it,

You should Lvoe them but never need then live with them but be ablet o live with out them…guys have big heads and I am not talking about the one in their pants which is sadly the only one they use half the time..none the less they love being no it alls and when the girl knows more then the guy yeah they have a hard time dealing wiht that.

Answer #3

Im not I like smart girls.

Answer #4

Well your friend is a d-bag. OBVIOUSLY it’s harder to take advantage of a smart girl. Man, that is really pathetic.

Answer #5

Smart girls are sexy…

I don’t care HOW hot a girl is; if she’s dumber than a broken toaster, I’m NOT INTERESTED.

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