Why does my guppy have a red bump on her body?

My guppy has a red bump on her left side right below her back. i had her in a nursery for too long and put her back in the guppy tank and she was doing fine. It came suddenly (I’m thinking overnight) and she is having trouble swimming. I know she will die soon but I want to know what is really wrong with her. I separated her from the rest of the tank just in case this is contagious. I’m really upset so if you guys can give me a serious answer, It would help me extremely! Even a guess would help me a lot so that I can research what you guys say and maybe find out what is wrong. Right now, she is at the bottom of the tank I put her in. I added aquarium salt. I NEED somebody to answer so please help me!

Answer #1

Does it look anything like this? (photo)

This is Lymphocystis and, unfortunately, there is no treatment for it. It’s a virus and it is contagious so kudos on having the foresight to quarantine her. On large marine animals a vet can surgically remove the lump, but not on a guppy. I hope I’m wrong, for your sake, but I’m sorry that your fish is sick.

Answer #2

Thank you. I am really hoping I took her out at the right time so that no one else is infected. I am watching closely at both her and the other fish so, I’ll see what happens.

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