gross arms

so this is gunna sound kinda gross but, youve probably seen girls with redness and “bumps I guess you could call them on their upper arms. I have that, and I know I shouldnt make a big deal out of it but it discusts me! and I cant get rid of it! I get toned it down by really scrubing it and then using lotion but I cant get it completely off =[ so if you have this problem or you know how I can get rid of it let me know asap!!! I have to swim this week for p.e.!!!

Answer #1

Perhaps it is Keratosis, which isn’t curable, just treatable. See a skin doctor. My sister has it on her arms, and I have it on my upper legs. It has never bothered me either. Keratosis is when dead skin cells don’t shed, and just collect around the hair, which then piles up and forms bumps.

Answer #2

Im sorry, I don’t really think you can do anything for this.

You should see your doctor to see if he culd give you a special lotion to help it, but I don’t think it will go away.

I have the same thing too, I just leave it.

Answer #3

usually I get those in the winter but as soon as summer starts and I start getting more sun on my arms they disappear. Also exfoliating with a glove works wonders.

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