What does green snot mean?

What does it mean when you have green drainage from your nose when you have a cold?

Answer #1

when I got it Its a sinus infection when my kids have it they call it upper repitory infection but I think its the same thing. so probly one of those…

Answer #2

Yep, as phrannie said, its is defenitely an infection. you need to go to the doctor and get antibiotics. Make sure you do it quick because an infection deteriorates you system and can lead to other health probs. like getting a virus along with the bacteria you already have(that’s how you distinguish an infection vs. virus which causes the flu; green=infection;yellow=virus). I worked as a medical assistant for a while.

Answer #3

It’s definate sign of infection…go to the doctor…


Answer #4

When you have a cold or infection like Jaydedmoon, green is a normal color.

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