where do graphic designers/graphic artists work?

in a office? jobsite? plant? all ?

Answer #1

The ones I know work in an office.

Answer #2

In an office building haha its so much fun xP work for sony (:

Answer #3

thank youuu ;)

Answer #4

cool ;) i might want to get into it later on :D so thank youuu lots :D

Answer #5

My pleasure (: and a bit of advice, if you want to get into that Austin, Texas has sony buildings and u can apply for an internship while going to the university(its an amazing place) so you can see if that’s really what you want to do (: hope it helps

Answer #6

Anywhere and everywhere! Graphic design is such a versitile career. Some designers work from home, some in an office, some spend the majority of their time traveling, some are in research- lots of travel and exploration, There are so many jobs in graphic design and so many career opportunities.

Answer #7

thanks :)

Answer #8

thank uuu :)

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