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Free masons secretly rule the USA…based on the fact that several signers of the constitution were free masons.
The illuminati secretly run the world…based on the various Dan Brown books (I think he was the author of the Davinci code, etc?)
That the mob took over the US, or a secret cabal who wanted a fascist system…see the elder Bush, senator during the run up of WWII that had dealings with Hitler AND worked to attempt a coup d’tat of the government…then note that his son (Bush Sr) as the head of the CIA, was president when Kennedy was assassinated and later became president…
…then note that “Bush Jr”, despite his Republican platform and party, presided over the biggest federal restructuring and expansion in decades…
Anyway, I think those are some great examples of things worth looking at with a critical eye.
ok the governments biggest conspiricy is AREA 51. we all know that things go on there the president himself doesnt even know whats there. there was a radio call to art bell look it up the caller knows something because he worked at AREA 51 tried telling the secret of what happened magically the power was lost with the caller and radio host art bell. then a guard from AREA 51 called and said he predicts the caller will not be calling back. well i wonder why.
the knights templar. they blackedmailed thepope and went to the crusades to find the holy grail. now people can argue with me but the holy grail is not a cup or a chalice but the child and wife of jesus christ. that is mary magdallen yes jesus’s mom but jesus and mary were in a relationship and mary had a baby. the knights templar tried to hide this secret but when the new pope in rome found out he ordered all templas and their familys to be killed or burned alive the date was october 13th a friday. thats where we get bad luck on friday the 13. the greatest conspiricy in history
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