What if my pregnant girlfriend is being a jerk?

My girlfriend is pregnant, were both 16. She might be getting an abortion, she might not. I hope she doesnt. But anyways shes real shitty and stuff with me and says its because shes pregnant.. and I cant really take it no more so what can I do?

Answer #1

hey sorry i pressed backspace and answered your question by accident

Answer #2

DUDE your WAYYY to young to be having a baby go to school get an education GETA JOB how could even support your self and the baby girl your wayy to young dont waste your teenage years meet a nice a guy get married then have a baby seriously you wont regret it if you wait

Answer #3

…I think there’s a bigger problem than how she’s been acting real shitty with you.

If she is not getting an abortion, that means you are a father of a baby. Do you really know what it means? You are sixteen and you have your share of responsibility for another human being. Talk to her parents and see what they expect from you. Talk to your parents and see how they can help you.

Girlfriend acting shitty? Deal.

Answer #4

we been goin out for a little over a year and this stuff happens everyday and if i tell her to chill out shell be like “i dont need to chill out” and all this and how i get on her nerves by asking too many questions when i usually only ask - how u feel? and are u hungry? and stuff like that.. shes 14 weeks and a day pregnant if that matters

Answer #5

Understand she, she is in a big trouble, and she has to make a decision, but there is no good decision in this situation. Try to find an adult (parents, aunt, etc) how can support both of you in this bad period of your life. It would be very bad if this trouble separated you. You should endure with each other.

Answer #6

personally, i dont think acting like that has anything to do with being pregnant. yes, being pregnant does throw a womans hormones out of wack, but usually not that early. give her time to come around and see if her attitude changes. if not, just try and talk to her about the situation and how you feel. if she gets mad, end the conversation and try later. people always throw up their guard when they feel like they are being attacked. to me it sounds like she needs some space. dont leave her completely alone, but just back off a little more and see what happens.

Answer #7

I think you should just be there for her and tell her to calm down, because having a baby is a big deal… I guess if its meant to be it’ll happen but it’ll be completely hard, and if shes not ready maybe you should think about it too because your only sixteen years old and probally not even graduated from high school yet and probally aren’t financially stable to do it. Seriously, babies cost alot, because they grow fast, and need things constantly and they need your attention too… so you may not be able to go out with your friends as much anymore. Just don’t tell your girl friend shes a jerk, shes pregnant with your baby, what you two created!!!

Answer #8

If you and your girlfriend love eachother you should have the baby. But if you’re gonna fall into endless scandals every day there’s no point of having the child - he/she ‘s gonna turn into a drug addict or have a lot of problems when older. Try to do everything to keep the child, it’s a human being after all.

Answer #9

im a guy.. im not gay. so why would i go find a guy??? and this is no longer a issue.

Answer #10

I was seventeen whe n I was pregnant…. I am seventeen… anyways…. I started getting really bitchy and emotional after a month

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