Girlfriend caught me

My girlfriend recently caught me flirting online with another girl. though it was very platonic and nothing serious at all.I DO admit it is my fault and obviously my girlfriend is furious and had stopped speakin to me. I REALLY love her and dont want to lose her. I dont know how to ask her to give me a second chance… PLease help. I do not want to lose her at any cost.

Answer #1

well from a girl’s point of view you are lame but if you say HEY LOOK GIVE ME ANOTHER CHANCE YOU MEAN THE WORLD TO ME AND I REALLY LIKE YOU I DONT WANT TO LOOSE YOU AND IF I MESS UP AGAIN YOU DONT HAVE TO BOTHER WITH ME AND I LL LEAVE YOU ALONE and now if a boy said that to me I would so give him another chance

Answer #2

well I did that to my boyfriend and he saw it as me trying to get with another boy. he got mad. I kept asking for forgiveness. I even deleted my myspace, deleted AIM off my comp to show I am serious and I only love him. you dont have to go all out but I been with my boyfriend for a long time. it depends how much you love that person and how it would feel not to have them in your life.

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