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theres really no “quick” way of removing a hicky and if you wanna loose it take a bottle cap from like a bottle of coke or sprite and put it on the hicky and press down to create a little amount of suction or my personal preference…take a hot bath and try to keep the area in the hot water
You can only get rid of a hickey when you first get it put a wet spoon in the freezer and let it freeze and then when it is frozen put it on the hickey but it has to be right after you get it like within 10 mins. A bottle cap does not work it just leaves a ridiculous mark on your neck.
a hicky is a bruise before it starts showing you can buy special creams designed to stop bruising from occuring so youll have a bruise but the colour wont be there once its there all you can do is cover it up with usually makeup
foundation. the best thing for it.
Ice ice baby
conceal it with concealer then blend in some foundation, sorted
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