GED Question

I Went To Gary Job Corp and Got My GED,but I Dont Want It. I want to go back to school wid all my friends and walk the stage like my big brother. Im Only 17,What should I do?

Answer #1

Go back to school I am 17 and I am 6 months pregnant and I have been out of school for 2 years I am going back to school in september there is nothin keeping you from going back I know how it is wanting to walk down that stage everyone up until me has graduated (out of my 2 older sister and my older brother) and I want that a GED isn’t good enough for me I want that feeling when I walk across that stage and to everyone else it will look like oh she just finished high school but to me and my family and to my new family on the way it will mean more because we will all know what I had to go through to get that

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