Gay fish Whut does that mean

Whut does that mean

Answer #1

Alright you see.. earlier this year south park did an episode where two characters made up a joke that went like this:

‘“do you like fish sticks”‘ ‘“yes”‘ ‘“do you like putting fish sticks in your mouth?”‘ ‘“yes.”‘ ‘“then you’re a gay fish.”‘


get it? because FISH STICKS sounds like FISH D*CKS. and the whole point of that south park episode was to make fun of kanye west, because in the show he was the only person in the entire world who didn’t get the joke. and his ego was so huge that anytime someone would try to explain the joke to him he would scream “I AM NOT A GAY FISH!! I AM A GENIUS!!” so.. that’s why everyone calls him gay fish in real life. does that make sense?

Answer #2

I saw that one bfore but I cant remeber what happened

Answer #3

Ir Means That You Love Fishstick They Ask this Questin “Do You Like Fishsticks” You say Yea “and They Say You Love 2 Put it on Your Mouth”And You Say Yea and “They SayYour a Gay Fish” :D

Answer #4

watch more south park.. thats what it means

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