Is there a way to get my Gaia account un-banned?

Well…Let me tell my whole story. I think around the 20th of August (guess) I was online at gaiaonline and what had happened was I got a message saying “I like your stuff I’m taking it” So I reported the person and went to bed, then I went to school and when I came home I attempted to log-on to my gaia account…Then I freaked out because my account had been banned and so I went to my e-mail and I got a message saying “Your account has been banned for hacking purposes” or something of that sort…So I was doing some research about a program called golden gaia. The only thing that interrested me was the unbanner program. I don’t want to give them my creditcard number so I’m asking one of you people if you have or know of a place where I can find one. I’ve got nothing to lose so anything ya have you can just tell me…Oh and I also had been playing this account for a verylong time so it’s not that I had a lot of stuff on it, it’s that it was mainly just a place for me to communicate with friends and I spent a lot of time on it so it would be great if someone told me a place where I can get an unbanner or if you can unban my account. There’s a reward for unbanning my account too.

Answer #1


I think anyone who wants your credit card to unban your account is just trying to scam you once again.

The best thing to do is contact Gaia and explain what happened and see if they will restore the account for you.

Good luck.

Answer #2

they cant restore your account wonce its banned its gone

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