Why did FunAdvice removed a question without notifying me at all?

Answer #1

We retain the right to remove questions that violate our Terms of Use.

Answer #2

By the way - are you sure it was “removed”?

Answer #3

That’s the thing - I completely understand it can be removed if it violated terms of use, but it was posted about 20minutes ago and is all of a sudden nowhere to be found (doesn’t show up on my page; still shows up in my alerts, but the link goes to another question’s page with a marginally similar url). I was not notified, neither via funmail nor as far as I can tell via email. It’s just gone. So I’m mainly confused.

Answer #4

Is this your question?: http://www.funadvice.com/updates/view/straight_question_people_identifying_heterosexual It was moved to the status update board

Answer #5

Yep. How come?

Answer #6

It’s been asked before.

Answer #7

K, thanks.

Answer #8

what was the question????

Answer #9


Answer #10

Colleen, I know this is a bit different, but I often get email notices of questions or status updates with links that, when I click on them, misdirect to other questions/updates. I can only find the original by doing a site search for some of its key words. What’s up with that?

Answer #11

I just noticed, this was one such instance: napninja posted a question and I received a link to it, but apparently it got switched later to a status update, and the obsolete link brought me here - probably because this is the question that his was redundant with.

Can this be changed? When I get an email notice because someone I’m following posted something, I’d much rather see their contribution than an old one by somebody I probably don’t know.

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