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I went ahead and filled them out myself, too xD

If you were trapped on an island with only one Cd, which one would you take? -Probably Taylor Swifts, Miley Cyrus or Pink's. I think TS's though ;)

What one super power would you most like to have?
-Be able to read minds ;)

If you had to save one thing from your burning house, what would it be?
-Uhhmm..I think my photobooks.. a lot of memories in there. Oh and DEFF my hard-disk. All my pictures are on there too.

If you had 24 hours to live, what would you spend it doing?
-9 hours to fly to Holland: and then spent the rest of the time left with my family. They live there :]

After the 24 hours, how would you most like to go out?
- While sleeping.

Would you rather give an orgasm on command or receive one?
-Uhhh.. receive one

You can get away with murdering any one person, who do you choose?
-Omfg. This biatch that I really hate :P Or like a really big terrorrist.

What one person would you bring back from the dead?
-I would bring back my cousins best friend: he died 4 years ago. He got shot in the head. My cousin hasn't been himself since them and I would like to see him happy again.

You can make one person fall eternally in love with you, who do you choose?
-OMFG. Uhhh. I guess.. uhhmm..Joe Jonas xD hey, he's hot xD

You can wipe one animal completely out of existence, what do you choose?
-SHARKS >.< or muskitos. I hate those little creatures.

What country would you most like to wipe out of existence?
-Hmm. Probably Afghanistan, since my uncle got killed there..


Live forever or die young
-Die young.

Be a porn star or a prostitute
-Porn star baby!

Have no fingers or no eyelids
-How can you have no eyelids.. no fingers I guess.

Be blind or deaf
-Hard one. I think Im gonna go with deaf.

Sleep in a tank of spiders or bath in a tank of cockroaches

Be too thin or too fat
-too thin. I suppose you can get fatter easier..I don't know though.

Be constantly talked about or ignored
-talked about. Hey, Im used to it!

Be a pothead or an alcoholic
-Alcoholic. Sorry, but I hate weed and I hate potheads, they disgust me.

Have to have sex with everyone you meet or never have sex at all -Hello virgin.