Frisky picture: Tacky?

I wanted to do something different for my wifes birthday. she is always saying that she wants to see me without clothes more often, so I took some naked pictures of myself to give her one. First off, I couldn’t decide which one to give her, then I got cold feet about them all. I’m afraid she will think its tacky, even though its just for fun. As a girl, what would you think?

Answer #1

sophie_lea’s idea is so great! do that!!!

Answer #2

Dear greggcapps, If this is something she says she wants then there isn’t a problem no matter how tacky it is…and it is but it’s her wish. Be very careful not to keep a copy around on the PC or in a memory stick; delete everything but the copy you give her. Sue…good luck

Answer #3

I would laff, I couldnt take my fiance seriously if he handed me a naked picture, instead of giving her a naked picture, when she comes home from work, MAKE SURE !! the house is EMPTY!! an walk around naked but buy an aprin an put it on an cook a meal for her…that would be fun!! :D then have lots of sexy time!!

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