Friends like these

Would you consider a person whom you have know for like 7 years to be your friend if they dump you for other people, think they are better than you (when they are not) and tell you that to your face, and don’t talk to you for no apparent reason? What do you think of a person like this? I would sincerely hope the mofo dies in a car wreck or something. I’m tired of people I call my friends to put me down and act like this red head a##hole acts. Any advice on how I can move on cause now I have no friends once so ever.

Answer #1

people like that only want drama and attention. they just want everything to be about them, not much you can do about them.

but hopefully your not like that, to move and and forget about them takes a lot of confedence and you have to want to.

try talking to other people more, dont talkto the people that are like that anymore. completely shut them out of your life. you better than that, I don’t even know who you are and I already know that. move on find knew people theres tons out there.

if you keep looking and cant find a new people than your not trying hard enough. there is, go and find them, you should’t regret it.

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