Would you help a friend who was sick and in severe agony die, if they asked you to?

Answer #1

no. cuz um first of all, thats against the law. if ur talking about murd.ering them while their agony because they asked you to, that is. if they say “plz just let me die and dont help me” well than im sure if thats against the law. but no i wouldnt let them die. i would never forgive myself and im pretty sure it would haunt me forever

Answer #2

well then im not sure if thats againts the law whoops

Answer #3

Honestly if they could easily do it themselves why would they drag me into it if I could get screwed over for man slaughter just for trying to help a friend. I think they should have the right to choose to take there own life but they dont have the right to bring me into that.

Answer #4

Nope. I don’t have the will to do that.

Answer #5

No way, cuz its still wrong and very much against my religion!

Answer #6

Uhm, no it’s not necessarily against the law. Euthanasia is legal in Switzerland which is why many people who want to die go there for assisted sucide. There are loopholes around any law, I think the main issue here are people’s morals. If I think of it in terms of the person who I love the most, in the whole entire universe (and who I probably can’t function without) being in this situation then there are a lot of conflicting emotions but predominantly I’d probably help her to pass on. I’m not religious, and neither is she. But I really care about her and i’d do anything humanly possible to help her in any way I can. Maybe the only situation in which this would be acceptable would be if she was in bad condition and in intense pain but would live for at least a few months but in constant pain then i’d most likely find a way to help her. It’d kill me inside, and i’d probably top myself at the same time actually. As long as we can be together in her final moments and she’s happy then that’d be enough for me. So basically, I would, but only if that person meant more to me than the consequences ahead.

Answer #7

Euthanasia has strict guidelines. Pretty sure no country in the world would accept ‘but my friend asked me to’ as acceptable. There are guidelines about more than a doctor proclaiming the person is terminally ill. About what precisely that a doctor can do about it. And I am relatively sure that under no circumstance is it ok for just anyone to do this.

Answer #8

No. I completely believe in right to die. And I’d help them get to a place where it was legal. But I couldnt do it myself. And they should know better than to try to place that burden on me.

Answer #9

No. Its against my morals, and while I accept its up to them to make their own decision, I couldnt have any part of it. I would do everything else I could for them, but I couldnt choose to have any part in their death.

Answer #10

this is actually really hard to answer. My best friend had lukemia a couple years ago and she died in december 2008. When i read your question i think about how her family and my family advised me not to see her in her last few days because she was so out of it and they didnt want me traumatized. I hear now about how her last days were spent spitting up blood and how it was rushing up so fast her mom couldnt keep her face clean. Wheni think of that…i think maybe i could have done it had she asked me…i wouldnt be able to tell her no had i been the one cleaning up the blood as she begged me to kill her

however i dont know if i could,because apparently (i did not see her those days) i was one of the people she talked about in the end as she was losing her connection to this world. i was one of the few she remembered. i dont think i could have both heard her say my name and killed her if she had begged me too. i dont think i could have done it.

However, she didnt, and wouldnt, have asked anyone to kill her. throughout all that, she never complained, and never would have put that on someone. especially me.

Answer #11

Yeah I couldn’t agree more, that would be such a hard decision. However I would have to say no. I would do EVERYTHING I could possibly ever do to help improve their survival.

Answer #12

No. I understand that she/he is sick, but There some lines we don’t have to cross, I believe that the friend will rest peacefully either way, I hope.

Answer #13

even if they regularly convulsed in agony, coughed up blood and cried all the time? yeah, as long as they’re “peaceful”

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