I need help with a friend?

*Name have been changed to protect identity

Two days ago, my friend, *Joselina received word that her mum is dying. I’m not exactly sure of what…she had multiple bottles of pain killers and was taking random amounts. Two other friends of mine, and myself searched the entire school for her, as she had ran off.

Finally, after 10 minutes of searching for her she bumps into us, asking for her pills back. Of course we didn’t give them back to her, and took the final bottle from her backpack.

I know what I did was the right thing, we made sure she went to her 7th period class and I checked three times to make sure she didn’t leave. Since there was a sub in that day. She stayed put and then went to the counsellor 8th period. She isn’t speaking to either me or my other friend for what we did.

Now people are ‘taking sides’ and telling us what *Miranda and I did was ‘wrong’. I know I wasn’t wrong, we basically saved her life, saved her from herself. I don’t let their unnecessary opinions get to me, because the situation has nada to do with them.

I’m saying, leave her alone until next week to see if she’s calmed down. To see if she sees that what we did was help her. If she’s still acting the same, I really don’t have time to deal with that.

Miranda on the other hand keeps wanting to do extremely ignorant stuff, such as say she’s ‘suicidal’ so they’ll send her to the mental hospital…so she can apologise to Joselina. I told her that she shouldn’t do that, because *Joselina more than likely won’t listen and see right through her plan.

I know I was right to tell my mum, and the staff in the building. Am I right for giving her, her space to chill out?

Answer #1

What you did was right, and your friend most likely knows that, but remember she’s probably very very upset right now. I think as a friend all you can do is apologise for taking the pills but just tell her that you did it because you were worried for her. Tell her you are here for her, and see if she wants to talk about anything. Maybe letting your teachers know the troubles with her mum would be good because then they know whats going on and can look out for her / not put too much stress on her.

Answer #2

Everything you’ve said, I’ve done! :) After she went to the councellor, she texted me and told me that she had to talk to people at a mental hospital and that they were thinking about sending her to a ‘special school’. She didn’t text anymore after that, I guess that’s when she decided to give *Miranda and I the silent treatment. I texted her back and told her that ‘I took your pills, and I still have the bottles you’re not getting them back. I did what I did because I care. I’m not gonna lose you like that. I don’t care if you’re mad at me…’

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