Freshman advice

Im fifteen and im going to be a freshman this year! I am really nervous. any advice?

Answer #1

Im 16 I was a freshman 2 years ago its hard cause you are at the bottom of the todum pole but just keep old friends and make new friends and you will do fine

Answer #2

couldnt disagree more, need to show the teachers who’s boss so by your senior year you can rarely ever show up to class and not get in trouble for it at all

Answer #3

im 14 but I am going into 10th grade. but any way I was real nervis to but it is no big deal just dont mouth off to any teachers or any students. and after the 1st half it is so easy and goes by fast.

Answer #4

You’ll be fine! Don’t be nervous at all! Everything will work itself out in your favor! Remember to be yourself! Don’t get caught up in trying to impress a certain group of people by doing something stupid. Know the difference between right and wrong and you’re going to have a great year! The first couple days are going to be different, but you’ll get the hang of things and be fine! Good luck :)

Answer #5

well freshman year is very critical in the akademic way. but as far as socially you should alway b yourself. trust me being your self you will make plenty of friends and it will be great. if someone doesnt like you for being yourself , brush them off your sholder, cause 9 times out of 10 they are the ones who arent thierselves ans sooner or later it will come to light.

Hope I helped

Answer #6

Freshmen year was a breeze live in the moment don’t fear the future

Answer #7

Well I’m going to be a senior, but I was the same way when I was going to be a freshmen… feels like it was yesterday, how weird time passes!

All I know is don’t do drugs and get in with the druggies/dirties. Do your work, make friends, try hard, have fun and relax!

And it’s deffinitely not something you should stress over, just take it easy, try hard and carry yourself with confidence and you will be fine.

Btw, looking back I can remember thinking it takes forever to get through Freshman and Sophmore year, but Junior year goes by way too fast… it’s kinda sad. =[ I’m going to miss it. So enjoy and appreciate the time you have in High School because it will sneak up on you… just don’t do anything stupid that you will regret! There has been a few deaths of students from my school this year and also some people have been close to it. So don’t do drugs and dont drink and drive. Thats all I’m going to say. =] Good Luck!

Answer #8


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