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The French pouce is similar in size to the English inch at about 2.71 cm or approximately 1.066 inch. While the British inch measures in at 2.54 cm
thank you very much
Square inches to square feet - 2 Answers
How do I convert square inches into square feet?
What state's name comes from the French words for green and m - 2 Answers
What state's name comes from the French words for green and mountain?
Characteristics of french people? - 1 Answers
What characteristics do french people have besides the fact that their white/caucasian. I need 5
What is 7cm in inches and 3 cm in inches? - 1 Answers
What is 7cm in inches and 3 cm in inches thx
Can someone teach me british talk? - 1 Answers
Can someone teach me british talk...bloody hell!
How do you say "peace" in latin, german, italian, and french? - 2 Answers
I want to know how to say "peace" in german, italian, and french. And I am also wondering if pacis is the same as pacem? If n...
A Name translated to French - 2 Answers
Can anyone tell me what Louise is in french? I need it for my friend. Much appreciated!
Cuter and shorter version of the name danielle - 7 Answers
Would you know a cuter and shorter version of the name danielle...and in your opion dou like that name??
Is 'lark' a British English term? - 4 Answers
'Lark' as in joke or trick - not the bird. I was wondering if it was solely British or if it is used in American English as w...
If you and I were at the gym and you shrank me to an inch tall... - 2 Answers
And shoved me into a sock, whose foot would you put it on and why?
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