Are you for abortion or no abortion?

what do you think because like a lot of people saii its bad but then some poeple saii if you need it?

just curious ?

Answer #1

Personally I would never abort my child, but the fact still remaines that everyone has a right to decide his/her own destiny,,,free will was given to us all so who are we to judge eachother when only God can judge us???

Answer #2

its an option that women need to have say if they were raped, the condom broke, they were the 1-2% of people whos birth control didnt work, they couldnt take care of it, ect abortion is also not killing an actual baby it happens when the baby is a bunch of cells, and isnt aware of itself its the same thing when you eat a chicken egg…when it hasnt turned into a baby chicken, is just a bunch of cells…and isnt aware of itself for some women, its the only option and that option needs to stay open for women however it shouldnt be an option for young uneducated skanks who cant keep there legs closed and dont know the facts about sex so with better sex educatipon for teenagers, there will be less pregnancies and less abortions

Answer #3

I am not for abortion, I think this should not be a way to be rid of a child.

Answer #4

anyone who has an abortion is a murderer. go to google images and look up aborted babies. then make your decision.

Answer #5

no abortion I don’t like that but hey its me

Answer #6

I dont like abortion .

you should have unprotected sex if you didnt want a child

if you were raped I rather you put the baby up for adoption besides kill it .

Answer #7

well I dont believe in it and nor does my family I had my son at 16..but I have a girl friend who just have a lil girl in feb and shes already 3mnths preg and she struggles as it is with her baby and she thinks she shud get an abortion and I think that will be best for I do and I dont I dont trhink you shud just go and get an abortion just because…

Answer #8

I think every woman should have the right to choose wether they want an abortion or not. In my eyes I think abotions are fine. No point bringing a child into the world if it is going to wreck your life or you don’t want it. I no that is blunt but it it true.

Answer #9


Answer #10

I am pro-choice. I think that every woman has the right to decide what happens to her body.

When I was raped if I would of became pregnant I would of had an abortion. I can’t even imagine what it’s like to be reminded of that every day of your life. To feel your rapists baby kicking inside of you…to know that you are growing your rapists baby. When you’re raped you don’t have a choice. Raped women don’t ask to get pregnant so why should they have to carry that b*stards baby for 40 weeks?

Answer #11

I am also pro-choice.I believe that woman should be able to choose in which ever case she wants to whether to have an abortion or not.

I also think that in some cases abortion is more acceptable. Like if a woman was raped or if she did everything to protect herself and still fell pregnant accidently or if she knows that there is something seriously wrong with the baby before it is born.

But it is your body so you should be able to do as you wish.

Answer #12

I think that a woman should consider other alternatives to abortion such as adoption. I think that couples should take more personal responsibilty so that they do not end up in that situation. Although, I feel a woman should have the right to choose whether to have an abortion or not. It would be her decision and not for us to judge. I think that abortion should definitely be allowed in some cases.

Answer #13

I dont think its bad, I think if you need it do it, if you dont, dont (:

Answer #14

I like the answers I’m seeing here. Normally all I see is people freaking out going “Oh my God, you can’t do that!! It’s murder… What would I do? It doesn’t apply!! RAH RAH RAH RAH!!!”

It’s something that is completely up to the potential mother, no matter the situation. I’ve heard of women who use it irresponsibly, as a kind of back up form of birth control, and they’ll do this multiple times. I don’t necessarily believe this is a good idea, but to each their own. Then there’s the case of say, a fourteen year old girl getting raped. She has her whole life in front of her, she shouldn’t have to just lose it all because one wrong act committed by another. A good alternative for the people who are against abortion would be adoption I guess. I honestly don’t see the problem in that either.

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