What are some foods that fill you up quick and keep you full?

Answer #1

Nuts, Oatmeal, Granola Bars, peanutbutter, apples, and eggs are ones I can think of off the top of my head.

I usually eat a handful of nuts whenever i’m hungry to fill me up and tide me over :)

Answer #2

Potatoes :)

Answer #3

Agreed. Mackenzie is correct. I use raw nuts, they are better than the roasted kind for you and ar tyipcally not salted. Nuts are mostly protien, which takes more time to digest than sugars or carbs. I always carry raw almonds with me for this reason. Woodshill

Answer #4

Any kind of snack with sugar like gronala bars or chips and maybe cookies but something with sugar to hype you up a little would work.

Answer #5

Meat usually fills me up quickly and keeps me full for hours.

Answer #6

id say red meat…

Answer #7

they always feel me up really fast .

Answer #8

Yeah, me too :)

Answer #9

umm..fruits are always best:)

Answer #10

I don’t like to eat dry food, I like to eat bananas

Answer #11

Anything high in protein works well for me. Carbs and starches don’t stick with me very long. So I have to have some meat in every meal if I want to stay full.

Answer #12

Many foods will ‘keep you full’ mainly carbs like potatoes, bread, noodles etc but if you are wanting to stay full because you want to loose weight, I would suggest to stay away from too many carbs and instead go with things like pumpkin, spinach carrots and broccoli, mixed nuts, bananas (great source of energy too).

Answer #13

potatoes, pasta’s, rib’s, steak, greens, cabbage, spinach, oatmeal.. anything full course..

Answer #14

durian seeds

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