Fingering advice

My boyfriend and I have been dating for a long time and we both want to go father then just making out, so we deicded to finger, I just want to know how to recieve it, also I want to no if I should feel up my boyfriend also

Answer #1

well let him finger you and it mite hurt a little at frist but its going to feeel great after it. and if your scared then try it out your self just finger your self b 4 you let him figner u.

Answer #2

heya, well, me and my girlfriend have been together, and we already went to third base At first, itd be better to start with 1 finger. As you go on, the second finger should slowly push in, slowly, at first it will hurt a bit, but then, I heard it feels really goood. To guys, moaning will rreallly turn them on !

relax , or else it might hurt :) oh, I suggest telling him to enter from fingering from the front, instead of reaching from the back and into the vagina.

goood luck, have fun :)

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