How can I find out what order a series of books was published?

Answer #1

Some books will say on the cover/side of the book or on one of the pages at the beginning or end of the book, otherwise, you can look it up online.

Answer #2

I don’t really come online except to come on FA, what website could I look ok? Sorry I’m not to computer savy

Answer #3

I don’t think there is a specific website, but even if you typed the authors name and one of the books there would be a website. Example- if you wanted to look up the order of “The Hunger Games” you could just type ‘Hunger Game Series’ or ‘Hunger Games Series Order’ and maybe included an author name in a search engine you could find it no problem.

Answer #4

Thanks :-)

Answer #5

I think if you pull it up by author, it should give you the order of a series of their books.

Answer #6


Answer #7

Or you could ask us, and maybe one of us will know. What series in particular were you asking about?

Answer #8

You could also stop by a barnes&nobles. Anybody there should know.

Answer #9

Its Iris Johansen’s Eve Duncan forensics thriller series

Answer #10

The Face Of Deception The Killing Game The Search Body Of Lies Blind Alley Countdown Stalemate Quicksand Blood Game Eight Days To Live Chasing The Night

Answer #11

Thank you so much :-)

Answer #12

Bit late, ‘cause you already know the order but I tend to look at the Copyright. It’ll be “© 2005” For example.

Answer #13

Thanks though

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