How can I find the name of a certain employee at a Walmart?

How can I find the name of a certain employee at a Walmart?

Answer #1

i don’t really think they give out that information if you ask, try just going there alot and see if you can see the person your looking for … you could always have small conversations while in there checkout lane thing or ask them where a certain item is then make small talk. after you’ve talked alot and got to know them try asking their name? or even ask other people their name if they know it.

Answer #2

the first part i meant as in managers or something wouldn’t be allowed to give out that sort of information .. sorry if that seemed a little confusing.

Answer #3

It’s a friends grandmother that works at the vision center. But I haven’t seen either one in about 10 years.

Answer #4

are you sure they still work there? you could try going to the vision center and ask someone who works there if they know her and if she still works there. explain your situation though, that shes your friends grandmother and you want to start talking to her again or something.

Answer #5

Why do you want the name? for whats reasons?

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