How can I fix the pain?

I finally feel like I should end my life .. but I wont I cant becuase I know theres people that love me… but I still take help feeeling mad and p-ed off.. I hate myself I want to be happy again…

I hate when girl break up with me…

Can I do anything to fix this pain

Answer #1

Is an Earlier question you said you were Wiccan Correct. . . . Well the wiccans believe in reincarnation each life is a step. . Suicides do not go to the next step they have to live the same type of life again till they get it right. . . Now do you want to do this all over again or just continue and see where life leads you? And we all have emotional issues. . . Life is a learning proccess. . . Never does a day pass we don’t learn something new. when angry: picture an Oak tree in your mind see how mighty the trunk is leading up to the branches which are covered by hundreds of leaves and acorns. they are always green so they don’t have to fall and the Acorns are covering the tree seeds to be planted, the leaves are lifes lessons some will be remembered and stay on the tree some are forgotten and fall way, such is life the Acorns are the things we choose to share with others. this is my Acorn . . . now let the anger go. Remember meditation is good for the mind, the body and the soul.

Answer #2

Been there myself and here is how I fixed my pain. I used pain and rage as a fuel to better myself. I take everything to heart no matter the circumstance much as you do. I read your file and you have very good qualities that most good women are looking for.

Here is the fix. Go buy your self a speed bag and a heavy bag. When ever you get down go for a jog as this will stimulate endorphins (they make you feel good) when you get done do some push ups or lift weights and then do hit on the bags for awhile. Think about everything in life that you dislike and just let it go. Think of everyone that has emotionally hurt you and just let it go. Trust me this has gotten me though some super tough times. 7 days a week will get you look’n good and will attract alot of people as well. Then you just take things slow and make wise decisions on the ones that you date. I know that you are a bit into goth, but reading the Bible will always help. Just remember the pain that he went though for us and how yours doesn’t even compare.

I’m here if ya need any help.

Answer #3

Hello - Ending your life is not the answer. I understand that you are hurt, but your situation is “temporary”. Time is the worst painkiller, and you have to focus more on your strong points and positivity. By exuding negativity, you’re actually attracting more negative thoughts. By exuding positivity, the opposite will happen and your outlook on life will change. People are attracted to positive energy. You are surrounded by people that love you. This is a nice starting point - many people don’t have that. It is obvious that you’re a very giving person who cares about the loves ones around you. If you weren’t, then you’d already be dead. That’s another great starting point - you’re giving. There will be many more women to come - and heartbreak will pass as time passes. You will find a woman that will appreciate you. Keep yourself busy - now is the time to take up a new hobby, work out, or do something so you can surround yourself with new people. Hope this helps!

Answer #4

Take the easier side of the life. Deep love is nice if available, if not available, then you have to make easy (one or few nights) relationships. This life also has certain curiosity.

Answer #5


Answer #6

Sweety, You have no reason to end it. Over a stupid disrespectful girl? So your just going to end it just like that? Thats very very very stupid. You have your whole life to live. Dont let a girl take control over your pain,love life, or feelings. You were wrapped around her finger & she let you go. You didnt like it no one does. But dont make it end your life. I dont even know you & I dont want you to kill yourself. You need ways to express your feelings instead of keeping em all in & then it comes to your thoughts of suicide. Try writing poetry, keeping a journal,talking to close friends or maybe a phycatrist. I hope you find your way to happiness again I really do. <3

[= take care.

Answer #7

Hey man, I used to feel that way also… you just really have to learn to not take things so seriously and not care as much… also don’t run into deep relationships… just get some ladyfriends and enjoy life… there’s so much to enjoy, so just get out there man… as far as fixing the pain, just do what you enjoy doing and take some time to just slow down and relax… taking out your anger doesn’t really help, just find ways to make yourself at peace

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