Feeling down...

When you feel down, how do you make yourself feel better???

Answer #1

Party with my friends Watch Disney movies Listen to my favorite songs Have a ‘spa’ day

Answer #2

I sleep if I am sad upset angry or any other bad emotion I go to sleep

Answer #3

Whenever I’m feeling down and really blue, I always try to listen to some upbeat music and such. I also talk to one of my close friends or my counselor. If you’re feeling down, I’d suggest listening to some upbeat music, or watch a favorite TV show something to make yourself feel better. You can always talk to someone such as a family member, a close friend, ect. Whenever I talk to someone, I feel a whole lot better.

Answer #4

I listen to sad songs. I listen to music all day long, but if I listen to happy songs when I’m sad, I feel like I’m lyring to myself so sad songs make me feel better. Except for two songs that make me feel happy no matter what. “Cherry Saku Yuuki!!” by Antic Cafe “Smile Ichiban Ii Onna” by Antic Cafe.

Answer #5

I tickle myself -_- hah…joking…I listen to jack Johnson..his music sooo soothing…I blast it on mi iPod,and I write poems about how I’m feeling..helps

Answer #6

I go out and treat myself with all different kinds of food…

Answer #7

I avoid people and do nothing…lay in a field and look at the sky…call a friend and chat…try to stay in a good mood but normally doesnt work so yea just kinda go away in a dark place of hell for about 5 or so hours…or I get a new puppy and play with it they always make everythang better!!!

Answer #8

listen to music and play video games

Answer #9

I sing

Answer #10

Recall all my blessings - listen to uplifting music - go to youtube and look at ‘laughing baby videos’…Merry Christmas !!

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