How do you feel about step siblings dating?

I was curious as to what people thought about step sibling attraction to one another. Dating, sex, and how it would affect the family all comes into play. Do you think it is wrong or since there is no blood relation that it is acceptable? There is not right or wrong answer, and I would love to hear everyone’s opinion on this. Please comment.

Answer #1

In MY opinion i would think It’s a little weird since your related now & Ide find it a bit awkward but that’s just my opinion.

Answer #2

It’s not a big deal, you aren’t related by blood. Some people may find it awkward, but I don’t think it’s all that strange. Your parents are married, so what? What if you were already dating before your parents met? Does that all of a sudden make it wrong? No.

Answer #3

Well these things don’t matter as long as you two love each other. And besides you’re not related by blood. But think about after they date..when they break up. They’ll still live together and it would be very awkward and hard to move on this way.

Answer #4

There is a BIG difference between now when you’re just kids and later on when you are adults. Many things can change between now and then. My advice right now is just don’t do it. Any more questions let me know.

Answer #5

They are still “family” by blood or law it’s wrong. I am not judging anyone who has relations with their step siblings its just bit weird considering on legal terms they are family.

Answer #6

Wait what? Step siblings aren’t related by blood.

Answer #7

If you want to go on group dates to keep it more casual, fine. If you get more serious it can be a problem. The biggest thing is that it is going to be VERY awkward in the future. At your age, relationships rarely last. (Yell all you want, people. They very seldom do.) Then every family gathering from then on is going to be very weird and uncomfortable. If you are going to get serious, oh well, it’s not up to me to say yes or no; but it may be illegal in some states, so take care.

Answer #8

I know. I’m saying relations with your family whether by law or by blood (as in real siblings) is wrong in my opinion

Answer #9

I personally don’t think this has anything to do with the fact that you’re semi-related. You’re not blood family, so it’s not technically incest, so I don’t see a problem there. The problem I DO see with this is since you’re parents are married or together, if you and your step-siblings get together and then break up, and your parents stay together, this will become VERY awkward for the entire family. That’s my opinion. Do it if you think it’s right, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, but consider the concequences. Good luck!

Answer #10

As long as the step siblings were not raised together as brother and sister, I don’t see a problem, but they’d have to understand that there would be a lot of comments (mostly negative) from other people, and that it would be awkward if they broke up.

Answer #11

Don’t do it, a few billion people in the world find someone else.

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